How to Train Your Dragon Fanon Wiki

(The Deep Flame is an open dragon species - however if you are going to make a Deep Flame OC or write a fanfiction that includes a Deep Flame, please let me know! I’m interested to see!)

-Dragon Hunter: ‘Jump in the water! Save yourselves!’

-Hunter Leader: ‘You fool... Don’t you know what the creature is capable of? The water is its home; the flame it breathes will blacken you even through the tides. Your only chance is to pray to Susanoo that you will survive...’

Dragon Hunters in their ship upon being attacked by a pack of Deep Flames


The Deep Flame is a highly intelligent Tidal Class dragon with unreal agility, ultrasonic speed, and even faster speed underwater. They are one of the rarest dragon species in existence, with 139 packs at most being known to exist. They live in Japan, Papa New Guinea, Australia, Korea, Hawaii, and New Zealand, and are very sleek, shy-looking creatures, but under this guise they are extremely powerful. However they will only strike when necessary. Trainer tip: give them a wash/massage on their back, that relaxes them. Also, when looking for a Deep Flame to train, look for juveniles, as their natural tendency towards attacking anything outside of their pack will not have grown strong yet.



Deep Flame eggs

Deep Flame eggs are round, tapering into a point at the top. They are jet black, smooth, and with cracks all over which glow from the centre of the egg. They are generally laid underwater, being then kept in a nursery which the pack has dug in a pocket of air in the side of a river or in caves in the sea. The eggs are water resistant and each are unique, the cracks all being in different forms and patterns. The pattern and colour of the egg determines the pattern and colour the Deep Flame will have. Some eggs are completely smooth with no cracks, and this means that the reptide is born with enhanced waterproofing, flexibility and agility. These ‘smooth eggers’ will, however, have a less powerful flame bellows, meaning that their fire is not as potent or quick as it is in regular Deep Flames. Their colouration is also one solid colour rather than two colours dark and light.



A Tiny Tooth Deep Flame

Deep Flames are very fast, intelligent, and have some special features that no other dragon has. Deep Flames are fairly long and graceful in terms of build and shape, with a lot of ovals and circles in their muscular structure. Their scales are smooth, and they are very dark on the top and light on the bottom, camouflaging them perfectly under the water. They have turquoise eyes which have the slightest glow to them, and they have two flat, large claws per foot. Their wings are very unique and different to those of other dragons, being longer than the body to which it belongs and not having spikes on the back edge. The smoothness of this dragon’s build makes it perfect for swimming and stealthy attacks.

As a Tiny Tooth they have extremely short cartilage flaps; their teeth are not fully developed and are very stubby, and their tail fluke to body ratio is slightly different, with the tail flukes and other flaps being slightly smaller in comparison to the body.

As Short Wings they have grown up a bit more. At this stage, they are one year old, and are now ready to mate with other Deep Flames; and they are bigger than they were in their Tiny Tooth stage too. Nothing else has changed save for their teeth having become the sharp teeth they will have for the rest of their lives, and the tail fluke to body ratio having changed; so the tail flukes and flaps are now bigger in comparison to the body of the dragon.

In the Broad Wing stage they are at their peak. They have gained much higher intelligence levels since their previous stages, and are now fully capable of fighting. Their flap-to-body ratio is now completely balanced out, their tail flukes and flaps now much bigger in comparison to their body. They have now become more attractive to prospective mates. Apart from these, they haven’t changed much since the Short Wing stage; excepting the obvious difference in size of around six feet in length.

The Titan Wing stage is extremely rare in Deep Flames, as they usually die in the Broad Wing stage; however


A Titan Wing Deep Flame

when they do reach the Titan Wing stage they are very impressive. Their flap-to-body ratio is the same, their teeth are the same, however the biggest differences are that they are at most 40 feet long in this stage, and they have plates of armour all over them. They also have extra tail flukes and flaps, and they are the dragon every prospective mate will hound after. They generally don’t fight or hunt, but stay inside the cave, and they have slightly higher intelligence than Broad Wings; in some extremely rare cases being able to form rudimentary human words with grunts, such as ‘no’, ’yes’, and ‘food’. This is the most intelligent a Deep Flame can get (human words are, that is. Complicated messages are still used in light signals, as will he shown later), however they are weaker in terms of muscle, so as stated before they don’t fight or hunt much. This makes them the elders of the pack, and respected by all members almost as much as the alpha, however they still bow to their leader.



The Deep Flame’s fire type is unique, being a type that can work just as well underwater as in the air, if not better. It is Greek Fire – but enhanced, and powered on the oils and fat of its prey. This makes it extremely powerful. Greek Fire burns and spreads underwater, also the Deep Flame’s specific Greek Fire is more powerful, shown by its unique brightness. The colour depends on the dragon‘s colour also. Greek Fire has a weakness, however. If sand is poured on it, it is put out. So, in the desert, a Deep Flame could shoot one of its three shots, and miss - a shot wasted. So, if fighting in the desert, if the opponent is too quick for the flame to catch up, then the Deep Flame is helpless. Plus, there is barely any water there - the Deep Flame’s home turf, its strong point.

However frustrating sand may be for it, Greek Fire is still lethal firepower. The Deep Flame’s Greek Fire can take two different forms for different situations, but it is the same kind of fire. The first form is a long, outward-tapering blast - similar to the flame of a Deadly Nadder - which can rake across a surface, destroying it effectively and quickly. The second is a full-power blast, which starts off like the first, but at the end it explodes, destroying anything in its range (which is a massive 37 feet - two of those shots could take down a Bewilderbeast with minimal effort). 


The Deep Flame possesses a unique stun ability, where it flies up into the sky and then tucks itself into a ball. Then it falls, gaining speed as it goes, and when it hits the water the shockwave from the hit stuns all the fish within 20 feet of it. This can also be used in battle, stunning enemies underwater. Their backs are slightly tougher in terms of armour than the rest of their body, so when curling up they make sure it is their back left exposed for the upcoming collision with the water.


The Deep Flame is close to a Night Fury in speed in the air, making it extremely manouverable; however interestingly underwater it goes faster than it does in the air, making it the fastest dragon on the planet. The Deep Flame is able to reach speeds of up to 7079 miles per hour, and its sharp body parts and streamlined shape make it able to cut through water at hypersonic speeds. This also means that they are able to pinpoint their fire and their teeth on one target, making it one of the most accurate reptides known. The Deep Flame is quite a light dragon, meaning that it cannot carry loads of more than 3 adult men’s weight (252 pounds). But they have very good stamina and strength in battle, their bite force being strong enough to break most metal, and their teeth sharper than a Triple Stryke’s stingers. In combat another weapon is their tail; as they can use it as a whip. This is not a very effective tactic as the tail of a Deep Flame has no sharp or heavy qualities, however it may be utilised by a Deep Flame when desperate in a battle. See Fire Type for more info on combat abilities. 



Deep Flames live in packs, so generally they are very stealthy as that is what comes with living in a pack. Most times, they will take down big prey, like whales or dolphins that could feed the entire pack for a couple of days. Deep Flames are known as the ‘wolves of the sky’ because they work so good in a team. The truth is, the alpha of the pack will lead the hunt, and tell the rest of the group what to do using specific signals of light on their back (see Telepathic Abilities). They are the only dragons known to do this. A pack of Deep Flames will stalk from the shadows and attack when the need arises, however for a lone Deep Flame more strategy is required. However, lone Deep Flames do have one advantage. They are a lot easier to miss, as the underside of the dragon is light and the top of the dragon is dark. This leads to fish thinking that the underside is the surface and the top side is the bottom (of the ocean). Their speed also helps them to focus on one thing so that they can strike quickly without being distracted. Another stealth element to the Deep Flame is that when folded compactly with its wings pressed to its side and tail straight, a Deep Flame can dive without even making a ripple in the water, so that no creature could tell it had even gone in.


The claws of a Deep Flame are not very flexible, and they are flat, triangular, and with a thin, un-serrated edge. They are perfect for digging into fish and for capturing them, but they have a weakness. This is the fact that they only have two of them on each foot (And they only have back legs). They are very limited in the use of their claws, so they use their teeth more often. The claws have an upside, however. Because of their broadness, they level out the feet, making the Deep Flame more balanced than other dragons.

Canvas (32)

Amazing art by SensableSensible!


Deep Flame dragons are very intelligent, and are able to recognize any signs that they have learned previously instantly even if they are not used very often. They can understand what humans are trying to get across to them, even if they are deaf, as they can comprehend body language. These dragons also have an excellent memory; as knowing where good hunting grounds in the middle of the sea are is a vital fact for Deep Flames - their main food source is fish and whales. Deep Flames also talk to each other using light signals (see Telepathic Abilities) so they are very silent when on the hunt. They are also capable of playful behaviour with one another and love to splash, however as they are in a pack they are hostile to anything outside of it, causing a tight bond between pack members. They, as well as splashing, love to play catch and race each other, also they like to leap out of the water like manta rays. Deep Flames can also understand human emotions and can sympathize and empathize. They are also capable of other, more complicated emotions than happiness and sadness, such as anger, fear, disgust, loneliness, love, hope, and trust. These dragons have a lot to store in their brain, but it is capable of holding lots of information for its size.



Deep Flames are incredible swimmers, having good stamina and a very streamlined body, in a race between a Night Fury and a Deep Flame taking place underwater the Deep Flame would easily win, as it is much better equipped for swimming. As they are Tidal class dragons and so are naturally equipped for water life, going underwater for long periods of time will not hurt them. However, being an air-breathing animal, they have to come to the surface for air sometimes. Deep Flames are able to hold their breath for around 24 hours when needed. If and when they cannot get up to the surface, which is very unlikely as the dragons are always with others of its kind, then at a certain point (after around 3 minutes of straining to get up to the surface), the body of the Deep Flame will shut down and go into a coma, releasing natural tension in muscles all along its back, which allows bendy cartilage flaps in the backbone that are normally hidden to release and open up. This function does two things: one, it causes the body to have more buoyancy underwater, causing it to naturally float quicker, and two, it works somewhat like gills. Basically, they can capture any oxygen in the water that makes its way underneath them and absorbs said oxygen into the lungs, thus giving the Deep Flame some ready oxygen for when it floats to the surface and is revived. When these flaps touch air, they involuntarily tense again and close up, leaving the dragon’s back how it was before. Unfortunately however, they only capture oxygen for a certain amount of time. If the Deep Flame goes for more than a week underwater then they will die. These dragons are also extremely agile, as like sharks, their bones are made of cartilage and so are bendy and slightly stretchy too. This allows them to compress their bones in places to fit through tight spots.


All Deep Flames possess the unique ability to communicate with each other using extremely faint light signals on their back flaps to send messages with a high capacity of complexity, up to conveying confused or interested emotions differently, and even explanations can be sent back. This is very useful in stealth, when hunting prey, ambushing an enemy, or escaping from places where they don’t want to be, such as a Dragon Hunter’s hideout. This ability is also used when an Alpha Deep Flame is addressing the pack and doesn’t want to be heard (very unusual unless hunting or hiding), or when Deep Flames are grooming each other, which is a quiet time. This a) adds to their stealth, and b) makes them inconspicuous in groups of other dragon species, as other creatures cannot detect or feel the signals of light that Deep Flames can sense on one another. This ability has a limited range for other Deep Flames to see or ‘feel’; the very end of a Deep Flame’s light-feeling range is 25 meters away. This is why you virtually never hear the vocal noises of a Deep Flame – all the communication between them is done with barely visible signals of light; although it will use its voicebox when communicating with other dragon species. Also, when provoked to do so, a Deep Flame will let out a roar (if you could call it a roar), one that is very unique, not quite like any other dragon’s roar. It is sort of eerie, echoey in a way, and sweet, like a lure. In fact, sometimes they will use it as a lure when hunting maybe slightly dumber prey, so they don’t have to expend their energy performing cleverer tactics. But these dragons will only roar if necessary. If possible they like to keep silent.



The Deep Flame can go very deep underwater (However, as mentioned in Swimming, they don’t go deeper than the twilight zone very often). Their limit is the Abyss zone, where the light doesn’t reach – and when they go there, a bioluminescence function automatically activates. This glows quite bright, so when deep underwater like that, allows it to see clearly. It is also in the exact, specific pattern that was on their egg. This also happens when in moonlight. For ‘smooth eggers’, they don’t glow except for on the ends of their legs and tail. The female Deep Flame can also make her light flaps (see Telepathic Abilities), tail fluke and underbelly glow voluntarily, but this function is only possible in the mating season (see Mating).


The Deep Flame possesses the unique ability to breathe a long ranged, blue, glowing translucent ray of light from its mouth out into the water. As soon as the prey gets into the radius of the light, it is immediately sucked at high speed into the Deep Flame’s mouth, too fast for the human eye to see – because the light is actually just a byproduct of the energy it takes from the Deep Flame to create an extremely high-power suction force, which is what causes the prey to be sucked in. This ability makes it seem as if the prey is teleported into the Deep Flame’s mouth.


Deep Flames have eight weaknesses, one being that when it is about to shoot its strongest blast, it raises its head, leaving the neck vulnerable to attack.

The second is that when a Deep Flame sheds, their skin underneath is soft and very vulnerable for a few days, making it in no shape to fly or swim very fast, let alone defend itself. This is dangerous for Deep Flames, as they need a lot of exercise to keep their heart rate up, and keeping moist powers their ability to breathe fire. But they are very tough, and the ones that survive this stage (around 5 out of 6) are able to swim and fly after around 2 to 3 days. 

Another weakness of the Deep Flame is due to its wing thickness. Whilst most Tidal Class dragons have fairly sturdy and thick wings that are generally also quite small, to deal with water pressure, the Deep Flame is not specifically cut out for deep diving, which it does not do unless necessary, because all of the prey it hunts will be swimming at the upper levels of the ocean. The Deep Flame is made for speed, which is why it has wafer-thin wings. If it goes too far underwater, and swims at a relatively level angle for long enough, both the large surface area of the wings combined with the thin membrane that makes them up will cause them to rip under the water pressure. The wings of a Deep Flame also have the ability to catch fire when dry enough, unlike the rest of its body. 

The third weakness is a restatement of an aforementioned one; sand puts out its fire. However sand does more than just that to a Deep Flame; if poured on one of these dragons it may well get into nooks and crannies which allow it to be more flexible, hardening over time and causing the dragon to stiffen up quicker over the years due to lack of muscular exertion and stretching (in agility swimming, etc). 

Number four is that, though it can and will eat eels when desperate (unlike other dragons) it cannot eat a specific type of fish; that being the parrotfish. The reason for the Deep Flame’s aversion to parrotfish is quite simple, and it calls back to the previous weakness. To understand this you have to look at a parrotfish‘s life. The colourful fish will eat rocks and coral and tough organic substances of the like and crush them in its beak, then swallowing them. However the digestive juices of the fish turn the rocks not into poo but into sand. This means that if the Deep Flame were to eat a parrotfish that had just eaten (which is more likely to be the case when eating one than not), then the sand would inevitably go with it, easily slipping into the flame-bellows and putting out the original flame, which would cause the dragon (if help was not given in time) to lose the ability to breathe fire. The problem is that they often will not know not to eat these at first, however their instincts to not eat them grow in after a year or so. 

The fifth weakness of this dragon is that it doesn’t have great depth perception farther away than 20 feet when in the air. Underwater it is fine, but in the air, when it is within twenty feet of something it can see very well; however when you pass the 20-foot mark things appear to be on the same field of distance; causing ambush attacks from far away to fall flat if attempted. 

And number six is that it has an irrational fear of crabs. For no reason. They scare the dragons to death, so much so that if you had a crab to hand and a Deep Flame pack was attacking you then you could put the crab down on your lap and they wouldn’t touch you. To this day it is unknown why they feel this way about crabs; some theories are that they like to walk in the sand, which is a weakness of the Deep Flame as we know. Another theory is that they may be afraid of the pincers on their soft skin if they have just shedded. 

The eighth and last weakness is something that can't really be classified as a weakness, however there wasn't another place to put it. The dragon's only predator.




The diet of Deep Flames is made up of lots of things - most of the time it is big prey such as sharks and whales, as they work in a group. However, outcasts will eat fish and whatever meat it can find. The Deep Flame will also eat other Tidal Class dragons if its pack is desperate. They are at the top of the food chain underwater, as they can take down pretty much any prey that swims. (Some they don’t want to eat, however, such as squid and octopuses - they’re too rubbery and slippery for their taste.) The mouth of the Deep Flame has even, smooth, un-serrated teeth that are pointed backwards towards their throat, so it makes a prey item easy to slip in, but if it tries to escape, it is faced with pointed teeth all the way through, whilst the mouth closes all around. The Deep Flame also has smallish, thin tusks. These are not exactly retractable - they cannot slide back into the gums. However, they can be, and are most of the time, pulled back in the mouth and hooked in - for a streamlined, pointy shape to the dragon’s head. However, they can be released, and then they will shoot out of the mouth and lock into position, ready to impale the prey with their sharp points. The Deep Flame will only eat once all the pack has the opportunity, then they will all eat together. Feeding on the prey hunted for them is a very communal activity for Deep Flames, as the pack can sit together, exchange kind gestures towards one another, and clean each other.


Deep Flames are known to be one of the most elusive dragons in existence, but when you get to know them, they really are quite intriguing and tender. They are the same way towards pack members. However, before you get to know them, they are very distrustful and will strike at the slightest sign of aggression toward them. They are very quick and graceful, and prefer to spend a lot of time underwater, or in the pack den, but they do come across humans occasionally, an experience which they do not enjoy.


Very very rarely do hybrids occur within Deep Flame culture, as they only mate within their own pack. The only times they do mate with other dragon species are:

1: When they are outcasts and need to carry on their line somehow

2: When a superpack is created and other dragon species enter the pack

The only dragons that are able to mate and create hybrids with the Deep Flame are in the following list. They are:

The Thunderdrum x Deep Flame: The Thunderflame

The Scauldron x Deep Flame: The Scalding Deep

The Deathgripper x Deep Flame: The Deathflame

The Triple Stryke x Deep Flame: The Deep Stryke

The Stormcutter x Deep Flame: The Storm Flame

The Wood Spirit x Deep Flame: The Deep Spirit


The Deep Flame only has a few possible mutations, however these are worth listing here.

Number one is the ‘smooth egger’ mentioned in Physical Appearance.

Number two is something called a Feeling Flame. These are still Deep Flames with all of the abilities but they also have the ability to change colour according to how they’re feeling. They can also flip which side of them is dark and which is light.

Number three is something where the Deep Flame is born without any light flaps and tail flukes at all. These leave their backs and tails bare and not only makes them look worse to prospective mates, but also takes away their ability to communicate using light, which would cause them to be kicked out of the pack due to a loss of stealth.

Number four is that sometimes a Deep Flame will have nothing sharp on them. This is an extremely rare mutation, but when it occurs the baby Deep Flame will be born with blunt, rounded claws, a round snout, the cartilage flaps on their heads will be rounded off, and their teeth will be nonexistent. These dragons will also generally be kicked from the pack as they are pretty much useless in anything.

The fifth is that occasionally a Deep Flame will have the urge to mate for life. This happens rarely, and it is not visible on the outside, however something happens inside the dragon that makes it not able to let go of its mate after the year is up. If two of them feel the same way, then they will be mates for life. They are not kicked out of the pack for this, however.

(Yes, that last one may have been so Kaiyo could have a ship :P)


Deep Flames all follow the word of the Alpha, currently Toothless, but they each have their own Alpha in their separate packs too. If a Deep Flame has endangered the pack in any way, they will confront the pack Alpha and they will fight to the death – or until one of them surrenders. If the dragon that endangered the pack wins the fight, they become the new Alpha and the old one will be left for dead. If they are defeated, then they are the ones cast out of the pack to fend for themselves. Not many Deep Flames survive this, but whichever ones do will become scavengers and hunt for anything they can find. They usually become very skinny and weak from lack of food, as their expertise is in hunting as a group.


A Deep Flame Pack sticks together. It grows and has a tight, quite inexplicable bond that brings them together in comradeship and friendship. So how do new packs come around? One will only start if a healthy enough male and female Deep Flame (see above) simultaneously decide to leave the pack, and at the mating season mate and start a family. Then these hatchlings will mate when they reach the right age, and then their hatchlings will mate, and so on, until there is a pack. The minimum amount of dragons for a Deep Flame pack is five, but that is only the bare minimum. They can get up to 70. However, sometimes a couple of baby ones will leave the nest and get lost, but if they survive to a year old then they will mate and start their pack as well. This happens extremely rarely. One more way a new pack can start is if there is a fight between Deep Flames, with at least a male and a female on the losing side. Then if they are cast out, at the mating season they will mate (as there is no other choice), and start a new pack. This is like the first way just it happens more often.


Occasionally, when a pack needs to become bigger but the mating season has not come yet, the pack will go to another, weaker pack – and attack it, killing as few as possible, but forcing it to submit and join the stronger one. The weaker pack’s Alpha will lose his position to the Alpha of the other pack and the stronger pack will get bigger. If the stronger pack does this multiple times, its size will increase past the limits of the size of a regular pack. It will become a superpack, commanding attention from all other packs, and sometimes eventually they will grow big enough to dominate other dragon packs – from alternate species. By that time, it will have reached multiple hundred dragons. However, the formation of a superpack is very rare in the Deep Flame world, and they usually stay at around 60 – 70 dragons. 


Deep Flames, as we know, are pack dragons, and so for these guys the mating season comes only once per two years. When the mating season comes, the males’ back flaps extend and start to vibrate when they sense a female’s presence. However, none of them get to carry on their family line before the alpha gets first dibs. The females will all dance for the alpha and make their back flaps and tail flukes glow in beautiful patterns, in order to get his attention and be picked as his mate for the year until the next mating season, so that they can raise their offspring. Once the females have completed their dance, or sometimes before, the alpha male will pick a female, give the ‘love bite’ that reptiles generally give before they mate, and then he will pin the female to the ground and mate with her. After this then the other males can carry on their family line with whatever female impresses them, and like the alpha, live with them nurturing the eggs and raising the hatchlings for the next two years (half a year is the time for the egg to hatch; one and a half years is the time in which the hatchling grows up to late Short Wing: at the age of one it will mate for the first time at the next mating season, as will their father (because the two years is the time when he leaves the female and finds a new one in this next mating season). The female offspring will be expected to dance for the males in the mating season, and the males will be expected to start their own family. One year might seem young but the dragons don’t care; all they care about is making their pack bigger and that is the way to do it. 


The Deep Flame lives in the Sea of Japan and the East and South China Seas, for the northern-dwelling ones, for most of the year (the southern-dwelling ones live in Australia and New Zealand), but in the winter, when it gets a bit too cold for them there (this applies to both northern and southern-dwelling), they migrate to the Arabian Sea far away. They do this every year in the wintertime, and then at the end of winter they go back to their now warmer Oriental, or for the southern ones, Australian, area, for the mating season in mid-spring. Their migration path takes them through the Arafura and Timor seas (in Papa New Guinea), and into the south Indian Ocean. Then they go northwest to the Arabian Sea. Their return trip needs to be a lot shorter to make it in time, so they will cut through mainland India and China to get there. 


During a migration, of course the pack will have to move. Normally on the first journey (the second journey is on land), they will go deep underwater where they can’t be seen. However, these dragons must come up for air sometimes (see Swimming). When the pack comes up for air, a natural spectacle occurs. The Deep Flames will all come up as a pack, and will leap up into the air like a pod of manta rays, sometimes leaping to a height of 10 feet above the water, and twisting in mid-air – but the spectacular thing is, while they are doing it, they do it in perfect harmony, following what the Alpha does, to the same beat – and that’s not all. If this happens at night, their bioluminescence automatically activates, and each one glows the unique pattern that was on their egg. The likelihood of seeing this in real life is tiny, but if you do see it, it is beautiful. They also can ride inside of waves and just let the current take them along without doing a thing. They really enjoy this.


Training a Deep Flame is very difficult, if not impossible. They are generally very distrustful (see Behaviour and Personality) but there are a couple of ways you might succeed in training one. If it is a juvenile and does not know anything about humans yet, pick that one. They will be a lot easier to bond with. If you give a Deep Flame a wash from the tail upwards, they love it. Another way to train a Deep Flame is if it is in captivity and already submitted to a master. When a Deep Flame is in captivity, it takes a while but at the end of a few weeks the strain of not being with their pack and not being able to go outside makes their wild instincts come back and they are no longer submitted to anyone. Just before this happens, they are gentle and depressed. This is the best time to bond and train one, as they will not resist a gentle touch at that point. To bond, swimming with a Deep Flame is a good idea. Also, give it regular washes and exercises.  


  • The Deep Flame was based off of a variety of animals - these are the king cobra, grey wolf, blue shark, black eagle, and osprey.  
  • The Deep Flame’s fire type, Greek Fire, exists - just not turquoise. The recipe for the fuel has been long lost, as the Byzantines used it as a weapon of war and kept it secret to the grave. So we don’t know how to make it. However, scientists have made some pretty good guesses - watch the video in the link to see what I imagine the Deep Flame to breathe a slightly enhanced and differently coloured version of here:  
  • The Deep Flame had a different design before. It also had a different name. It was called the Mzazi, and it had a triangular head with extremely sharp body parts. I scrapped this version due to its inaptitude to convey a wide range of emotions.
  • I am constantly tweaking the design of the Deep Flame. It used to be a blue Night Fury, pretty much, and it was even called a Deep Fury. But now, I hope you can look at it and see a clear-cut difference. I change the appearance all the time to add further scope to the capabilities of its design.

