How to Train Your Dragon Fanon Wiki

This is my first fanfiction on this wiki, so if any of you spot anything wrong, please let me know.

Only Captain Nightjay and Esteria the Night Fury are allowed to edit this!

Obsidian Souls

Prologue: Shadows[]

Nightjay turned to Norah, her eyes wide and fear-filled. "Don't go. Please. Your life is much more important than mine!" Norah looked back at the panicked Lunamoth with determination and sympathy in her persistent green gaze. 

“No,” She said flatly, lashing her tail, “you are more important than you think. Stay back.” Norah stiffened as the monster yowled and rose up on its hind legs, peering down at them with its blank narrowed gaze.

“But Nor-” Nightjay reached out a paw to step forward, but Norah snarled at her. “STAY BACK!” She exclaimed. Only when Nightjay shrank back in fear did Norah turn and bolt at the creature. The “Shadow” rose its massive paw and batted Nightjay’s best friend away like she was a simple fly. 

“Norah!” Nightjay exclaimed, tears streaming down her cheeks. “GRAH!” Norah hit the ground hard and slid a few feet, staying as still as a stone. The worst immediately came to mind, and Nightjay gasped in horror as the Shadow leaned over Norah, and lowered its head.

Suddenly, Norah leapt up and slashed at the Shadow’s face. It just stood again, and watched as Norah tried to leap into the air, but just flailed around in pain, because her wing was torn. 

“NO!” Nightjay exclaimed as Norah took one last swipe to the side of her head. The Lunamoth heard a loud SNAP as Norah fell to the ground. This time, she wasn’t faking it.

“Norah!” Nightjay sobbed, and widened her eyes as the Shadow lowered its head again to sniff at Norah. It widened its jaw and was about to- “STOP!” Nightjay exclaimed, then immediately regretted her decision.

She just stared, mouth open, as it rose from the still body of her best friend. She couldn’t let Norah’s courageous death be unavenged, though. 

Despite her terror and the pain in her heart, Nightjay reared up on her hind legs and her eyes glowed white with power as she lashed her spiked tail and let the acidic silk hurtle towards the monster.

To the Lunamoth’s horor, the silk just passed right through it, and landed sizzling on the ground next to the Shadow. Nightjay felt the stinging taste of bile rise in her throat as she thought of what had just happened. No creature could do that. Nothing could. Now, she knew that wasn’t true.

Nightjay widened her sparkling blue eyes, turned, and sprinted away from the Shadow as fast as she could. A loud howl split the silence of the darkness as the black swirling monster shot after her. It was gaining, gaining, wrapping it’s jaw around her leg…

“NIGHTJAY!” The Lunamoth’s eyelids shot open and she began gasping for breath. 

Norah was looking down at her, her long tail flicking back and forth with worry. She reached out a moonlit paw and rested it on Nightjay’s shoulder. “It’ll be okay. It was just a nightmare.”

Nightjay the Lunamoth

Chapter One: Off We Go![]

Living as a Princess was surprisingly hard. Whenever she was with her peers, they all treated her so differently, like she was some kind of outcast. None of them teased her like they did for other dragons, which for some odd reason, annoyed her.

The only real friend she had was Nightfall. He’d been by her side her whole life, and they had saved each other’s lives. Which was how Esteria was a titanwing, which of course only made her peers act even weirder around her.

But right now, Nightfall was off taking care of his little sister, Birdie. So she was flying through the Hidden World, alone as ever.

Esteria sighed. Today she would have to go up onto the Alpha Throne with her father, King Asazin, yet again. She’d act just like Asazin had taught her to, mature and regal and powerful. He was training her for the day she would become Queen, which Esteria hoped wasn’t for a very, very long time.

Sometimes she wished she could just be the 13-year-old dragon she was, live life recklessly and without a care in the world. But that’s not how life works for a Princess.

Esteria landed gracefully on the Alpha Throne, the Crystal that only Royalty ever sat on. Beside her was the King of all dragons, Asazin.

“You’re late,” Asazin hissed to his daughter.

Esteria looked down at her feet, ashamed. “Sorry father.”

He smiled sweetly and brushed her wing with his. “It’s alright, just try and be on time from now on, got it?”

Esteria nodded.

“Okay, so today I’ll be addressing the issues of the dragons in our kingdom. And I think you’re ready to start doing the same!” He smiled and looked away from Esteria, at the approaching Lunamoth, who was followed by another dragon that Esteria recognized as Norah. Norah had been nice to Esteria in the past when they’d met, but she and Esteria had never really gotten to know each other.

Asazin nodded at Norah and the Lunamoth that Esteria didn’t recognize, then stepped aside and gently pushed Esteria towards them with his wing.

“Oh, uh, hi? How can I help you?” Esteria inquired awkwardly.

Nightjay’s expression was strange for a moment, as if she was waiting for Norah to say something. But Norah just glanced over at the Lunamoth sternly, hinting for her to say something.

Nightjay took a nervous step forward, and looked rather disappointed to be talking to the Princess instead of the King, but nevertheless she spoke. “Well, um, I am kind of looking to find my family and overall the other Lunamoths, but I don’t know where they would live.”

Esteria paused. She’d been all around the Hidden World with her father, to all the different habitats scattered around. The snowy hills for the Snow Wraiths, the Shadows for the Night Furies, and so many more. But Lunamoths were a species she couldn’t remember seeing before, though she had learned about the species. It was like she did know where to go to find them, but something was protecting that memory, hiding it from her.

Esteria looked at her father for guidance, but found that he had gone, leaving her alone to address the issue. “Uhm,” she considered for a moment. She couldn’t just tell them that she’d forgotten, but she couldn’t tell them where to go, either.

Lunamoths prefer the cold and the darkness, She remembered from a lesson a long time ago. This, of course, described the Shadows, which was where she lived. She would have remembered if she’d seen Lunamoths there, though.

Then she remembered something else, about the fact that Lunamoths perched high in trees and preferred tree-covered areas. Somewhere cold and dark, with a lot of trees.

“Well I don’t think I know exactly where they are, but I do think I know where to look,” she answered at last, “I could come with you, to help or something,” she suggested.

Nightjay glanced at Norah again, hoping that her friend would answer for her. She didn’t know how she felt about having a stranger tag along on the hunt for her family, but maybe she could use the help.

When Norah didn’t respond, Nightjay reluctantly spoke up. “Sure, could be helpful.” She muttered.

Esteria smiled happily, ecstatic at the idea of possibly making new friends. Right at that moment, King Asazin glided back into view.

“Got it taken care of, my dear?” He asked.

“Well I think I need to follow them somewhere, for now. Could I maybe-”

“Of course! Go do your duty.” He answered before she could finish.

Esteria turned back to Norah and the Lunamoth. “Well, off we go!”

Chapter Two:[]

More coming soon!
