How to Train Your Dragon Fanon Wiki

Far, far away from Berk, past Valka's Dragon Sanctuary, lies a small village surrounded by mountains, and cliff faces. This is Mongry, home of the Vikings who call themselves the Mongrels. For generations upon generations, dragons, and Vikings have lived in harmony, living side-by-side, and flying through the sky together. With no enemies, no wars, life was peaceful on Mongry... until a strange girl washes up on shore, a girl from an unknown Clan, hunted by Mongry's only enemy, the Insanitors. 

Asta Freystein II, daughter of a great warrior, has joined the villagers of Mongry. But behind the protective cliff faces, and past the oceans that are so familiar, is an enemy unlike anything the Mongrels have ever seen. And Asta might be Mongry's only hope to prevent war. 


Asta Freystein II

Spike the Deadly Nadder

Sindbad Hoffstein

Furnace the Typhoomerang

Stouter Louter

Snaggletooth the Horrendous Snagglefang

Cami Berryson

Tidal Wave the Thunderrider

Gruffer Thistler

Huff and Puff the Hideous Zippleback

Cuffnut Thistler

Zap and Bolt the Seashocker

Jarn Orgenstein

Starstruck the Starstriker
